The wholesale market for designer name handbags is red hot. There isn’t a day that goes by that my wholesale business,, doesn’t receive an inquiry regarding handbags. Requests range from top of the line wholesale designer bags by brands such as Louis Vuitton and Hermes to upper range brands such as Coach, to more middle of the road, but still popular, brands such as Nine West, Steve Madden, and Lucky Brand. On the opposite end of the spectrum there is a customer segment that is looking for stylish and fashionable pocketbooks that can be either generic or by a private label. Shoppers in this category are women who are more style than designer oriented, and are likely to be on a modest budget.
If you have been following the news lately you will be aware that Louis Vuitton and Hermes have been engaged in a fierce battle for control of each other’s company while each company has been vying for independence at the same time. Now that the dust has settled both fashion houses have agreed to cease their takeover attempts and will be focusing back their energies on product development and marketing.
So what does this mean for a wholesale buyer that retails purses? It means that they can expect these fashion megaliths to attract more women into the higher end section of the market. Think of the marketing resources that are at their disposal and how they can use them to attract more women to their fashion lines. The obstacle will be that while more women might be interested to make a purchase from their offerings, a majority of them will find their handbags out of reach of their budgets. This is where you can find an opportunity. By sourcing quality closeouts you can present other designer handbags that are either made with a similar level of quality, are extremely fashionable in appearance, or are made by brands that also have a wide market appeal. Just because a shopper cannot afford a Gucci bag it does not mean that she won’t instead buy one by Fossil. Once a customer has made a decision to purchase a new purse to match their latest wardrobe it is up to you as a motivated seller to show them merchandise that they can afford and is still just as appealing to their fashion sense.
You can place an order for overstock and store return handbags through my company’s website You can also search and see additional merchandise through You are welcome to visit my Brooklyn warehouse the next time you are in New York. Remember, regardless of where you source your liquidation inventory, you will always want to make sure that the products are licensed and authentic.
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